Winzavod CCA
Moscow, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane 1/8 105120 Kurskaya/Chkalovskaya metro station

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Aleksander Savko
Suprematist tragedy

30 August — 05 October 2018

Aleksander Savko
Suprematist tragedy

Famous artist Alexander Savko is also known for his artistic provocations and insinuations, the essence of which lies in his artistic method. Born in Sunny Moldova (Bender) and having studied an artist in sunny Odessa, he arrived in Moscow with three graphic sheets, which immediately went to exhibitions in Russia and Europe. The creative life of the artist was successful, but after exploring the surrounding area, Alexander saw that the true culture and art that he intended to serve were unknown to society. It, the society, is captured by vivid advertising, cartoons, comics, and in general all sorts of western glamor. Such a total glamorization has led to the fact that people seek the truth fr om psychics, sorcerers, healers, etc. Instead of culture, education - "educated". And then Alexander kidnapped these images of media debris and placed them in the space of famous paintings of famous masters, so that those interested in his provocations would turn to genuine culture. The method proved to be effective. However, in 2011, the artist so played up that his picture, wh ere the Sermon preaching was pronounced by a character similar to Mickey Mouse, was condemned in Tarusa, the verdict was a ban on publication, after which it was reproduced more than 200 times in the mass media. What kind of veggie time it was - no irrigation of urine or greenery, no destruction of the object offended by feelings.