Winzavod CCA
Moscow, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane 1/8 105120 Kurskaya/Chkalovskaya metro station

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Administration: +7 (495) 917 46 46
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Vitaly Barabanov
Chronicles of Inner Nature

24 October — 26 November 2023
H8 a—s—t—r—a gallery

Vitaly Barabanov
Chronicles of Inner Nature

On October 24, the a—s—t—r—a Gallery of Contemporary Art will present Vitaly Barabanov's solo exhibition "Chronicles of Inner Nature".
The artist's new project will summarize the study of the relationship between memory and personal existential states, which he started back in 2019 as part of the Perfect Decay project.

Over the past three years, the artist has come to the term "inner nature", which means a metaphorical "journey" during artistic work, not only through memories of iconic places for himself, but also deep into his own "I". These "journeys" balance between abstraction and a realistic image, trying to fix the instability of internal states and moods that are consonant with the variability of real nature. 

"It all started when in 2018, in parallel with experiments on creating a "live work" and "action painting", I began to work directly with visual art. As a result of these searches, the Perfect Decay project was born in 2021. I explored the relationship between my psychoemotional states and the memory of places where I have been and where I seem to return from time to time in my imagination. In these "journeys" I tried to listen to the changing states of nature and wanted to feel at the same time its cyclicity and impermanence. As a result, this led to the "disintegration" of the image, the inability to fix its stable state. Based on this work, I began to try to call my inner reality "nature". <...>

The exhibition will feature several retrospective series, as well as new works – paintings and graphics, different in technique, but united by the desire to enter into a productive and honest dialogue with their own "here and now".