Winzavod CCA
Moscow, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane 1/8 105120 Kurskaya/Chkalovskaya metro station

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ArtStream. Ask your question online to an expert

25 April
16:00 — 17:30

ArtStream. Ask your question online to an expert


The second broadcast of the online project of Winzavod ArtStream 

When: April 25th at 4:00 p.m.

Where: zoom

Register for the broadcast by clicking here

ArtStream - online broadcasts by Winzavod with the participation of successful and accomplished professionals fr om the art community, who will answer current questions, give specific recommendations and talk about the state of art yesterday, today and tomorrow. 

Invited guests of the third broadcast: artist and art theorist Dmitry Gutov, curator and art historian Victor Misiano, director and founder of Marina Gisich Gallery Marina Gisich. The moderator of the discussion will be Sofia Trotsenko, the founder of the Center for Contemporary Art Winzavod.

Topics of the third broadcast: contemporary art practices, art and cataclysms, the figure of the curator yesterday and today, the path of young artists to big fairs in the team of adult galleries, the place of the gallery in the controversial issues between the artist and collector, support for artists and the work of galleries in crisis.

"I believe that not only will we be able to understand more about art in a period of self-isolation, but through closer contact with the audience to find a way to move together. Q&A series has been launched with the aim of making the most of remote access to support people who work or plan to work in the field of contemporary art", - Sofia Trotsenko, founder of CCA Winzavod. 

In previous broadcasts, the audience's questions were answered by: artist, gallery owner, professor of the Lomonosov Moscow State Academic Art Institute (MGAKHI), Professor Sofia Trotsenko. Aidan Salakhova, art historian, curator, founder of XL Gallery Elena Selina, collector, co-founder of Triumph Gallery Yemelyan Zakharov, gallery owner and art dealer Dmitry Hankin, owner of one of the most successful Russian pop/off/art galleries Sergey Popov, commissioner of the Urals Biennale Alisa Prudnikova and director of LH Art Consultancy Alexander Blanar.

The Foundation for Support of Contemporary Art Winzavod, being in quarantine as the whole world, continues to follow its mission. The development of contemporary Russian art, its support and search for alternative ways of communication are becoming more relevant and pose new challenges. 

After each broadcast of ArtStream, registered participants receive a mailing list with answers to questions that remain unanswered live. 

The discussion will be broadcast on Winzavod's YouTube page, social networks Facebook and VKontakte.