Winzavod CCA
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Dmitry Bodyansky

09 October — 17 October 2021

Dmitry Bodyansky

Fr om 9 to 17 October, Dmitry Bodyansky's special project SACRUM will be presented at the Fineart gallery.

Anthropos. Kosmos. Theos.
Like the human and the divine, the cognizable and the transcendent, the concepts of the corporeal and the eternal for me are ontologically inextricably linked with each other. Corporeality appears in the form of a universal semantic image, which, however, can be perceived in sensory experience.

When creating works and organizing space, I turn to the principles of mystery, which allow me to build my own idea of ​​hierarchy, laws and meanings.

I refer to painting as the most important technique for me. The attitude to colors in my works is subordinated to the principles of hierarchical sequence.

So, the primary matter, space - black (dark), in many cultures the symbol of space, nothingness, the world's oceans, is composed of a sequence of colors: white - red - blue - green. Where each color corresponds to its own image: white - Primordial - Eternal, red - Earth, blue - Logos, green - Cover. The same principle of color hierarchy is applied to the image of a person.

These two fundamental images, matter and man, are executed sequentially: first space-space-matter, then man, which, however, is not a consequence or a product of the latter.

Thus, matter and man reveal for me an inner common nature and, at the same time, an initial separation.


In many ancient cultures, in particular in the culture of ancient Egypt, the body was given a special sacred meaning. The body was not just a temporary receptacle for the soul, but associated with it.

When creating objects from fabric, plaster, resin, wood, my task was not so much to create works as to preserve the result of the process, for future connection in a certain predetermined space, wh ere all the true connections of elements with each other will be revealed.

Dmitry Bodyansky

The artist was born in Moscow in 1985. He graduated from the Moscow Academic Art School in memory of 1905, then the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (portrait workshop). Lives and works in Moscow. Participant of Russian and international exhibitions, including the parallel program of the 6th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. Works are in private collections in Russia, China, Italy, Germany.