Winzavod CCA
Moscow, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane 1/8 105120 Kurskaya/Chkalovskaya metro station

How to find us
Administration: +7 (495) 917 46 46
Lease: 8 905 519 99 50 / 8 966 168 84 55 (с 10:00 до 19:00) /

How to understand contemporary art

28 February
19:00 — 20:30

How to understand contemporary art

On February, 28, at 18:00

Get acquainted with the past, present and future of contemporary art in Russia. At excursion you will learn about the first commercial exhibitions and the auction, will glance in galleries, will solve secret meanings of work on the Wall. 

Are you worried that you do not know about contemporary art? Don't worry: the guides of Winzavod will guide you through the stages of development of contemporary art in Russia, explain unclear terms and tell you about the main players of the art market on a clear and professional level.

In picture represented artworks  from a—s—t—r—a Gallery from exhibition «a—s—t—r—a OPEN VOL.4»