Lease: 8 905 519 99 50 / 8 966 168 84 55 (с 10:00 до 19:00) /
The project WALL of the Center for Contemporary Art Winzavod will complete its work with a grandiose graffiti jam of the project participants.
On May 15, from 18:00 to 21:00 on the Night of Museums, we invite all artists and friends of the project to take part in the collective jam of the WALL project.
The jam will be attended by: Kirill Kto, Igor Ponosov, Stas Dobry, Pavel Khudoy, Team MDT (Mesr), Misha Most, Konstantin Zmogk, Letme, Blot, Issue, Ders, Vova Perkin, Ztwins, Vova Abikh, Philippenzo, Ivan Simonov, Vova Nootk, Sugar 18, Ce, Kvadrat, Onton Abstract, Anton Polsky Make, CHTAK, Matvey Kaif and many others.
Musical accompaniment - dj Chagin (Flammable Beats).
Event Graffiti jam WALL. The last layer will be the first in the activities of Urban Art, a new strategic direction of the Winzavod Foundation for the Support of Contemporary Art, curated by Sabina Chagina.
The WALL project was opened at Art-Strelka (Red October) in 2009 and continued its work as an open exhibition area in the space of the Winzavod Center for Contemporary Art. Since 2016, STENU has been supervised by the Creative Association ARTMOSSPHERE.
Over the 11 years of the WALL's operation, more than forty layers have been created, more than 60 artists from Russia, Ukraine, Spain, Italy, and the USA have taken part in the project. Among the project participants: Pasha 183, Valery Chtak, Kirill Kto, Vova Nootk, Ztwins and many other iconic artists.
As part of the direction Winzavod. New names, THE WALL introduced the public to the phenomenon of street art in its natural conditions. The WALL format provided the viewer with the opportunity to observe and freely communicate with the artists in the process of their work, which is practically impossible in everyday reality, since most of the street artists are anonymous.