Winzavod CCA
Moscow, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane 1/8 105120 Kurskaya/Chkalovskaya metro station

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Anastasia Kuznetsova-Ruf
No one does that

23 January — 28 February 2021

Anastasia Kuznetsova-Ruf
No one does that

On January 23rd, the Fine Art Gallery is opening an exhibition by Anastasia Kuznetsova-Ruf "No one does that".

Anastasia's works resemble a labyrinth, the scheme of which is very simple, but once inside it is not so easy to get out. The graphic grid wraps you like a cobweb, and the large-scale volumes of objects hypnotize and subdue you. Being at the mercy of a seemingly overly clear, hypertrophied reality, one comes face to face with signs that either destroy this reality or, sparing the viewer, make it not so unambiguous.Tactically placed traps are like markers for the attention span of a viewer who loves puzzles, speculation and deeper meanings. That's when you have to answer numerous questions, and even more, search for the truth.

The Itinerants used to say: "A picture is not a word. It gives one minute, and everything must be in that minute...". Graphic basis of Anastasia's painting allows to fix the main idea so that it sounds manifest, looks spectacular, is caught quickly and does not let go for a long time.

Virtuosity of technique, unconditional knowledge and mastery of the academic fundamentals of drawing and composition, cultural layer and creative background are synthesized and unquestioningly presented to the viewer in each work. "But NO ONE DOES THAT anymore!" - you will say. Anastasia's work is a stunning argument. And add to that the thematic cuteness and stories that are familiar to everyone today. Hence comes the paralyzing simplicity, which just like that in the forehead raises uncomfortable questions: what is loneliness, what makes us feel joy, how much does public opinion affect me? The desire to answer all these questions is shown through the prism of children's perception. The same one that we cherish so carefully throughout our adult lives, keeping the fire going in a barely warm world of delight at the predictably yellowing leaves in the fall, or the suddenly found stash of priceless unnecessary trinkets like unusual buttons and silly wheels that were once hidden in the most secluded place in the world.

In general, the theme of childhood, which plays such an important role in some of Anastasia's works, both aggravates, overturns, and changes the vector of everything that happens, making us reflect more than usual.And how often we tell our children: don't do that! No one does that! But it is this "doing" that makes us understand and accept the experience that really NO ONE DOES THAT. But it is creativity that allows us to do THAT.

Nailya Rustaeva