Winzavod CCA
Moscow, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane 1/8 105120 Kurskaya/Chkalovskaya metro station

How to find us
Administration: +7 (495) 917 46 46
Lease: 8 905 519 99 50 / 8 966 168 84 55 (с 10:00 до 19:00) /
Ticket Office: +7 (495) 917 17 99 (с 12:00 до 20:00)

Tanya Sergeeva
Mon plaisir

07 December — 23 January 2022
H8 Totibadze Gallery

Tanya Sergeeva
Mon plaisir

Everyone has their own Petersburg. With their own favorite places and secret signs. Now you can look at it through Tanya’s eyes.

“Monplaisir is the favorite palace of Peter I. Translated from French it means “My pleasure”. And these words are my personal attitude to St. Petersburg. I would like to see not the plights in it, but the beauty of the idea. It is difficult to love Petersburg, being annoyed at its shortcomings and at your own fatigue, but after every visit, you inevitably understand that this is a gift. The exhibition is a declaration of love” – the artist shared.