Winzavod CCA
Moscow, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane 1/8 105120 Kurskaya/Chkalovskaya metro station

How to find us
Administration: +7 (495) 917 46 46
Lease: 8 905 519 99 50 / 8 966 168 84 55 (с 10:00 до 19:00) /

Alexey Begak
Ideal room

06 September — 06 October 2021

Alexey Begak
Ideal room

When a person is engaged in many things, he usually says to himself - "I am torn." But it happens quite the opposite - he becomes whole, like Alexey Begak.
Someone needs only to be an artist, someone an architect or designer, someone a TV presenter. By his example, Alexey shows a completely different approach: he is self-sufficient in all his guises, while all of them are far from a complete list of everything he can.
We have created an exposition in the form of an ideal room of this multifaceted artist, filled with paintings and art objects that reveal his consciousness and taste for us. Any random object - a plant, an animal, a car - becomes special in his work, Begak directs all the focus to the texture and shape of this object and carefully hones and relishes it. It seems that he is more attracted by the form, the artistry of the thing itself, rather than its content.
A room without paintings or other objects of art, according to Begak, cannot be perfect. Imitation of a room makes it possible to immerse yourself not only in the space of the painting, but also in the inner world of the artist. Concentration and meditation are the main mood of the exhibition, the plots of which, at first glance, are not united by a single theme. The theme of the exhibition is a person who paints.

The author himself says: “Painting is very simple: the ability and desire to be surprised, a great love for the depicted object, be it a pine grove or a black square - it doesn't matter, and. ... ... some drawing skill. "