Winzavod CCA
Moscow, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane 1/8 105120 Kurskaya/Chkalovskaya metro station

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Vyacheslav Yereschuk

21 January — 19 February 2020

Vyacheslav Yereschuk


This project is the debut of a young artist Vyacheslav Yereshchuk in the Fine Art Gallery. The project consists of two parts: "Harvest" and "Battle of Heroes with the Amazons".

1. "Harvest". In this part, the artist presents monochrome paintings - scarlet or the colors of young greenery, coal paintings on canvas and sculpture. All works depict sunflowers with bowed heads, all combining magnificent academic painting with modern meanings. The works are so beautiful that it seems that the artist has tried the concept of beauty fr om the category of subjective to translate into a universal phenomenon. The author himself sees a series of his sunflowers not without irony as salon history without the negative attitude inherent to postmodernism. He interprets his project as an ironic anti-modernist manifesto, addressed to the manifesto of modernists - the Cubo-Futurist opera "Victory over the Sun", wh ere its authors declared the victory of ideology over the plastic.

It seems that the ideas of the Slava Yereshchuk project are not only alternative to the modernists of the early last century. Considering the sunflower as a kind of "meme", you unwittingly build a sequence - Van Gogh - Kiefer - Yereshchuk.  The famous postmodernist installation "Sunflowers" by A. Kiefer consists of blackened, scorched, broken flowers sticking out among ashes and dust of the lifeless earth.  They are opposed by sincerity, irony, creative plastic beauty and romanticism in the project of Yereshchuk. These properties of the young author's work are typical for the metamodern - a new philosophy in the art of the generation born in the 80s and later and grown up with the Internet and new means of communication.

2. "The Battle of Heroes and Amazons." In this part the author acts as a bodily artist. At the same time, all words about the plastic perfection of his works are also fair here. The solidity of the Heroes of B. Hereshchuk unwittingly causes allusions to the characters of Rubens.  According to the artist, the plots of his works in this part, on the one hand, reflect his ironic reflection on gender relations and their mediativeness, feminism, harrasment and others, and on the other hand, it is a sincere story about what he cares about. The artist creates a gender mythology by placing his characters in conditional situations, typical of role-playing games or comedy of provisions, and giving them a vivid theatricality.

All of the author's works in this series are reminiscent of ancient friezes in their structure, in essence they can be composed into one work and presented as a frieze of an ancient portico of an ancient building. There are other works - monochrome, depicting a strange struggle between men and women with a mysterious shadow, as well as video, in which quite specific images are transformed into abstract plastic forms.

So, let's take our eyes off the various cheats. The project of the artist Vyacheslav Yereshchuk is an ode to beauty, plastic perfection, aestheticism in artistic context, sincerity and romanticism, and it is a new philosophy of the younger generation of artists.